Wonder of Science
- Introduction
- Electronic and Communication
- New Machines
- New Mediciens
- New Modes of Traveling
- Science In The Service of Man
- Disadvantage of Science
- Conclusion
Wonder of science |
"In the sky abone in the ocean below and on the earth in between ever where has gone the triunphant charist of science"
- Introduction :- This is an age of science. there are many wonder of science. science plays an importance parts in our daily life. science serve us in many way it is of great use and advantage to us it is a really blessing to us.
3. New Machines :- Science has given us many new machines . they do every kind of hard and dull work. so we have do not do it. as such as we are happier than our for father.
4. New Mediciens :- Science has given us many new medicines . they are and prevent many diseases like TB, cancer, and leprosy doctor can transplant organs like kidness eyes and fix artificial hands and limbs.
5. New Modes of Traveling :- Science has given us many new modes of traveling .we have ships railways motor, car aeroplanls etc. they take us safely quickly and comfortable from one place to another place modern science has helps to man land on the moon.
6. Science In The Service of Man :- "Gandhi ji" has right said science has tought us to fly like birds in the sky and swim like fish in the ocean. but it has not tought us now to walk on the earth. science is really in the service of man it has mode our life easier happier and comfortable trully it is because that mans could master of world.
7. Disadvantage of Science :- It has been right said the third world war will be thought with bomb and missile but the forth world war will be thought with stone and arrows. "prof hardy said" science is angel in peace and devel in war . every thing has two sides. science too has durk side. the invention and production of atom bums and other dangerous wapons are a great to the existance of humanity in the world.
8. Conclusion :- Science has improvel over life and life style but science should be never misuse. It is a good servent but a bad master "Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru rightly remarks" modern life is governed and condition of shoots of science.
"Science is key which unlocks for mankind a story of nature"
Wonder of science
Reviewed by Rahul Namdev
June 06, 2020
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